Patriot Act
Netflix’s Patriot Act was a news-based comedy show hosted by Hasan Minhaj. The show made headlines for calling out racism in government documents and getting banned in Saudi Arabia. As a staff writer, I was responsible for creating weekly episodes, daily social media content, and all promotional material for the show.
Role: Staff writer, joke writer, content creator, idea generator
Each half-hour episode takes deep dive into the world’s cultural and political landscape. Episodes are available to stream on Netflix and have recieved over 10 million views on YouTube.
When deciding how to promote the show and get people excited to watch, we realized that, as a Muslim-American, all eyes were already on Hasan–and BAM! A commercial was born.
Billboards and ads hung across America.-- COMING SOON--
We created a slew of social media content to go long with weekly episodes.
Role: Staff writer, joke writer, content creator, idea generator
Each half-hour episode takes deep dive into the world’s cultural and political landscape. Episodes are available to stream on Netflix and have recieved over 10 million views on YouTube.
When deciding how to promote the show and get people excited to watch, we realized that, as a Muslim-American, all eyes were already on Hasan–and BAM! A commercial was born.
Billboards and ads hung across America.-- COMING SOON--
We created a slew of social media content to go long with weekly episodes.